h and somebody has already provided one for us under The second mandatory file is a special header file called We don’t need to include any headers for the time being. Now we can create a dummy file like the example below. Main function somewhere and obviously the perfect location is a Or find another script for another development board that is closer to your needs. For other variants, you can either adjust the memory ranges in this script by modifying the following ( here is a good tutorial) Project/ STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Template/ TrueSTUDIO/ STM32100B- EVAL can be used directly for STM32F100xB (128kB Flash, 8kB RAM). Some sample linker scripts are hidden in the peripheral library archive. We will need a linker script to tell the linker to place everything to correct locations of RAM and Flash.
MCU Peripheral LibrariesĮxtract the contents of stdperiph archive and copy everything under “Libraries” folder (CMSIS and STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver) into “lib” folder of the project. Lib stands for MCU specific libraries specifically stdperiph, CMSIS and linker script in this example project. We need “src”, “inc” and “lib” sections and finally the project will look like the following. Now you can start creating project folder structure. Now head to “C++ Project” under “C/C++” section and choose “Empty Project” under “Executable” and write the most creative name you can find for your first project.Ĭlick “Next” and “Finish” with both “Debug” and “Release” configurations. Start Eclipse and go to Project Explorer, then right-click to create a project. Download STM32F10x standard peripheral library (STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0) here.GNU ARM Toolchain (gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major) provided here.Eclipse CDT (Oxygen) with GNU MCU Eclipse is installed.Prerequisitesīe sure that you have all the steps below in order to start creating the first project. Then I create a project on Eclipse equipped with GNU MCU Eclipse environment. Here I use my STM32VLdiscovery board, which is the most basic development kit for ST’s STM32F10x series ARM Cortex-M3 (STM32F100RB) chip.